Montag, 9. September 2013

Träume auf englisch

So many dreams tonight:

1 I should send a wheelbarrow on a boat journey to a very cold and northern country and had to wrap it into plastic (and then I forgot it in the harbour).

2 I went to a toilet at Café Einstein in Berlin and thought I might as well paint it (which I did while two swedish friends were impatiently waiting outside),

3 I brought my bicycle to a lesbian bicycle mechanic in Berlin to get the brakes mended, and she started do mount a very advanced kind of rack under the sadle,

4 while travelling around in Berlin I ended up in a beautiful new city quarter by the sea and thought, 'I could live here', but somebody told me it was not better than Seved, the quarter where I actually live in Sweden.

What do I make of this stuff?

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Lesbos 13/12 2021

Am Morgen wachte ich zum Plätschern des Regens auf. Machte mir Kaffee, schmierte mir Brote, packte eine Portion gesalzene Oliven in den Ruck...