{denn heute ist mein Geburtstag, hurra!! ich habe Geburtstag!!}
u. muss wieder in altem Papier blättern, das auf meinem Schreibtisch herumliegt:
We have also to talk over together what is death. (...) And to understand death, we must also inquire into what is living, what is our life.
Are we wasting our lives?
(...) You may have power, position, but at the end of it - what? Please, this is a serious question that you must ask yourself. Another cannot answer this question for you.
{Und was hast du selbst dazu zu sagen, hineshm? - Talent ist eine Gefahr, eine Falle, ein Abgrund. Auch das wieder eine Art Zitat.}
"Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in." (Ricky Fitt in "American Beauty")
Kommentare zum Post (Atom)
Lesbos 13/12 2021
Am Morgen wachte ich zum Plätschern des Regens auf. Machte mir Kaffee, schmierte mir Brote, packte eine Portion gesalzene Oliven in den Ruck...
Ich widmete mich heute meinem neuen Projekt, der Ablichtung der Stadt mithilfe der miserablen Kamera in meinem Handy. Das Wetter war auch sc...
1 I want to tell a story, but nothing happens. 2 I wrote a story, but it became all wrong. 3 Don't you ever get tired of your own ...
2 Kommentare:
I do not want to be wasting my life!
How could I acknowledge to be wasting it and continue living?
Days are passing fast, I am hustling from one place to another, from one task to another.
But there must be a sense in this. Much like in training, in movement.
Our affiliations structure the way we see ourselves. We create our sense of identity through the expectations and culture set up by these relationships; they provide meaning and give purpose to our lives. Rabbi Harold Kushner, in his book Living a Life that Matters, writes, "It takes more than one person to validate our sense of mattering to the world . . ."
(from a sermon given on Rosh Hashanah Day 5764, September 27, 2003, by Rabbi Allison Bergman Vann )
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